Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Performance Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Execution Plan - Essay Example In order to get the exhibition plan running, the staff should work intimately with the individuals guaranteeing their dynamic contribution in different execution related destinations. The arranging includes both an underlying exhibition plan and a presentation improvement plan. The staff sets goals as well as fixes deadlines for accomplishing them by characterizing time breaking point of the whole work plan. All through the arranging procedure, the whole team must be secured and all must be urged to see themselves through flourishing ends. On the off chance that the arrangement is exclusively for the faculty’s own improvement reason, it ought to consider all parts of the person’s lackluster showing and shortcoming. The exhibition plan, both for the individual and the group must line up with the general goals of the association too. The nonappearance of an exhibition plan can without a doubt influence the competency levels of the staff and the group they lead. To be expl icit, execution plan is fundamental to improve individual profitability, group effectiveness, cohesiveness, and work fulfillment. In this unique circumstance, it is essential for a workforce (who has not been meeting desires) to build up a very much characterized exhibition plan. Why Performance Plan? Truancy in advanced education is a bone of dispute among college instructors. To represent, a few researchers contend that participation ought to be commanded while some others censure authorized participation in advanced education. As per Lipscomb and Snelling (2010), implementing participation contradicts significant academic (humanistic and androgogic) principles† and consequently, â€Å"lecturers should shun partner non-participation with amateurish conduct and poor professionalization†. In spite of the fact that specialists are profoundly at chances with respect to upheld participation in advanced education, they all unite at the point that non-appearance can cause an tagonistic consequences for understudy execution. If so, the impacts of staff non-attendance can be significantly more serious. The staff who has been missing classes tends not to concentrate appropriately on materials and along these lines neglects to fuse vital educational plan changes and innovation in the instructing materials. This won't just influence the honesty of the individual as a showing proficient yet in addition antagonistically influence the learners’ scholarly future. As such, just a staff having decidedly ready execution plan can prevail in his/her calling over the long haul. A nursing workforce will; make a possible learning condition in which an assortment of fitting instructing systems are consolidated to accomplish wanted student results guarantee kept learning and self evaluation to improve the nature of the training procedure use IT related offices to upgrade both learning and educating recognize the ideal degree of execution in educating characterize h ow the ideal degree of execution could be accomplished consistently keep up an engaged degree of academic action that for the most part includes innovative work of better rules â€Å"participate in proficient advancement activities† (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 2008)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mcdonald’s in China

McDonald’s: Is China Lovin' it? Official Summary This contextual investigations McDonald’s’ plan of action as it creates to make progress in the Chinese market. Issues tended to included how to hold McDonald’s’ picture of social Americana, yet adjust to fulfill beds and advance to supporters in Chinese culture. 1. What is the reason for leading an outside natural investigation? What are the general ecological powers that could impact or have affected McDonald’s improvement in China?The reason for directing an outer natural examination is to get data on the powers outside of an organization that will assist with deciding how the organization will work. A fruitful organization can't work just in its inside condition and should know about the outside components that will additionally shape the business. Organization procedures must consider these components so as to coordinate their inward qualities and shortcomings with their outer dangers and openings. With McDonald’s extension in China, outer natural components played a key role.One major ecological power originated from American organization KFC. KFC entered China in 1987 and it was significant for McDonald’s to investigate the variables that had been effective and fruitless at KFC. Another natural power that assumed a huge job in McDonald’s development in China was nearby Chinese fast help cafés where clients could purchase neighborhood cooking styles, for example, noodles and dumplings. Other appropriate natural factors that McDonald’s had to address in China were the impacts of the developing white collar class and an increasingly well-to-do population.This lead to different kinds of neighborhood and outside cafés endeavors to gain by this developing riches, creating further rivalry. The outside condition has likewise indicated power by buyers requesting better expectations in the McDonald’s cafés just as protection from the res taurants’ significant expenses. Buyers’ wants additionally influenced the outer condition, which caused McDonald’s to increment working hours to 24 hours, actualize home conveyance administration and drive-through eateries in numerous location.Suppliers were essential components of the outside condition also and McDonald’s developed to source 95% of their food from neighborhood cultivators and providers. 2. In light of the outside ecological investigation, what are the chances and dangers introduced to McDonald’s activities in China? The outside ecological examination uncovers a few open doors in China on which McDonald’s can underwrite. Yearly per-capita extra cash has expanded a normal of 22. 18% for urban family units and 64. 62% for country family units every year in the course of the last 20 years.The general pattern during this time has been development from provincial to urban populace places where dispensable wages are higher[i]. The expansion in expendable earnings has added to the cheap food industry blast. These patterns guarantee to proceed as the Chines economy develops. Level valuing can be utilized to help McDonald’s arrive at clients of various salary levels in areas at various degrees of improvement. Also, as the Chinese economy keeps on creating, upgrades to nearby foundation may make open doors for an improved gracefully chain.As of 2006, 95% of materials utilized by McDonald’s in China were privately sourced. McDonald’s will probably profit as neighborhood providers utilize further developed innovation and the executives forms. There are additionally undiscovered open doors for diversifying. China made the legitimate structure for outside franchisors in 2004 and, as of February 2007, just one of the 879 McDonald’s eateries in China was diversified while KFC, their biggest rival, diversified 37 of their 1700 cafés. Expanding the quantity of franchisees will permit McDonal d’s to extend to new areas while limiting risk.In expansion to growing their diversifying activities, McDonald’s has chances to exploit changing Chinese inclinations by extending store developments and nearby organizations. Drive-through eateries, 24-hour cafés, conveyance, and much progressively upscale easygoing eating eateries may enable the chain to improve their intrigue with youngsters as would facilitate organizations like that made with Taobao. com in 2007. A few dangers were likewise uncovered by the outside investigation remembering extreme rivalry for the Chinese inexpensive food advertise from both remote and nearby chains.McDonald’s was a moderately late contestant to the market permitting contender KFC to appreciate first mover points of interest. Since hindrances to passage are generally low a few other remote chains have extended to China including Burger King, Subway, Pizza Hut, and Japan’s Mo’s Burgers and Ajisen Ramen. Nearby ch ains including Malan Noodles, Hong Kong’s Cafe de Coral, and Taiwan’s Dicos add to a seriously serious market. The danger of new contestants remains and, as Chinese enterprises become further developed and acquainted with Western administration and tasks rehearses, is significant.McDonald’s activities in China may likewise be undermined by new patterns in the easygoing eating industry and rising desires for clients who might be less ready to address extravagance costs for what they are realizing numerous Americans think about a downscale item. At long last, expanding social analysis over wellbeing, natural, and pay concerns will likewise represent a danger to McDonald’s later on. 3. Examine the five powers of the business condition of McDonald’s China and remark on the seriousness of the organization comparable to every one of these forces.Michael Diamond’s Five Forces Model of Competition incorporates the accompanying powers: Existing serio us contention between providers: There are many inexpensive food alternatives in China. McDonald’s is the second biggest inexpensive food supplier and their essential opponent is Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Different rivals in China in the inexpensive food industry incorporate noodle and dumpling slows down. Neighborhood Chinese cafés sell light and basic food, for example, noodles, dumplings, wantons, and steamed bread, which are for the most part turning out to be a piece of the cheap food culture in China. Contention is a solid serious force.Threat of new market participants: After various endeavors during the 1990s by different nearby and territorial Chinese inexpensive food chains, some fruitful and some not all that effective, numerous organizations couldn't contend in this condition. In the mid-2000s, new market participants into the Chinese cheap food industry were U. S. - based Burger King, and Subway and Japan’s Mo’s Burger. Themed eateries and Star bucks likewise entered the blend of new contestants. In spite of the fact that these new participants offer an alternate encounter, the developing working class of China despite everything needs McDonald’s to be a Western brand. The danger of new participants is a moderate serious force.Bargaining intensity of purchasers: Buyers don't have any exchanging costs. The purchasers essentially go to an alternate drive-through joint, a conventional Chinese supper served on common plates, or cook at home. Purchasers can buy from a few merchants. Purchasers are a solid serious power since they have a great deal of influence. McDonald’s has perceived this and has offered layered estimating, adjusted their menu, prepared their staff to guarantee quality and consistency, and refreshed their style. Intensity of providers: McDonald’s set up its own interior gracefully system to offer to both the residential and fare markets.Chinese accomplices made joint endeavors with McDona ld’s and fortified McDonald’s flexibly chain. The gracefully chain made by McDonald’s has made 95% of the materials required. It would be exorbitant for McDonald’s to switch providers in view of the joint endeavor that they went into with their Chinese accomplices. This makes the providers a solid serious power. Danger of Substitute Products: Many substitute items exist in the cheap food field. In the event that you take a gander at McDonald’s as a burger drive-through eatery, substitute items would be noodles, dumplings, sandwiches, chicken, and pizza.Traditional Chinese eateries and home prepared suppers are likewise substitutes to the McDonald’s cheeseburger. There is a huge swath of substitute items accessible for the Chinese shopper. This makes substitute items a moderate serious power. 4. What are the vital gatherings in the inexpensive food industry in China? In which vital gathering does McDonald’s China contend most in China. A key gathering as characterized by Michael Porter is â€Å"a gathering of firms in an industry following the equivalent or comparable technique along vital dimensions†.In different words, a Strategic Group (SG) is a gathering of organizations that work likewise as for specialization and vertical joining. The vital gatherings in the cheap food industry in China all share the accompanying qualities practically speaking: inexpensive food, effective self-administration, normalized servings and frameworks, less dependence on utensils, clean/agreeable climate, and neighborhood menu increases. McDonald’s clearly exceeds expectations at all of these qualities worldwide and made it a stride further by advancing the Western conventions by promoting the â€Å"Window toward the West†.This specific kind of western-impacted inexpensive food is the essential key gathering that McDonald’s contends in even today. Western-affected cheap food was not new when McDonaldâ₠¬â„¢s showed up on the scene as KFC showed up in 1987, an entire five years in front of McDonald’s. KFC did so well that their prosperity baited McDonald’s and Pizza Hut to take action accordingly starting in 1990. Be that as it may, â€Å"fast-food† in China wasn’t new when KFC entered China as they had noodle and dumpling slows down. KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut all needed to profit by the quick

Friday, August 21, 2020

15 Habits Psychologists Have Linked with Happiness

15 Habits Psychologists Have Linked with Happiness Everyone wants to be happy, yet no one seems to know how to do it. The act of being happy has sparked a lot of discussion and thousands of studies have been conducted trying to solve the problem with happiness.Psychologists and scientists seem to have found the solution: little habits create big changes and lead to happiness. Activities involving looking after your mind and your body can boost how fulfilled you feel. Furthermore, helping others and organizing your life can guarantee you find happiness.So, let’s get started with adding these 15 habits into your life â€" you’ll be surprised at the power of these tiny changes.HABITS THAT TREAT THE MINDMind is where happiness comes from â€" if you want to feel more fulfilled and happy, you need to treat your mind. Here are the most efficient ways to do it and the habits you should aim to adopt.1. Meditate to unplugIf you’ve been following the self-help industry at all in the past few years, you would have noticed the talk about meditation. The benefits of meditation are not just a fad â€" it can have a truly transformative impact on your life. Studies have found meditation or the act of quieting things around you to reduce anxiety and stress.When you meditate, you become more aware of your emotions, making it easier to appreciate the good and control th e bad. The practice of mindfulness or meditating has even been linked with better self-awareness and perspective â€" those annoying things might actually seem rather unimportant when you learn to meditate.You don’t even need to be a rocket scientist to start or have lots of free time to get startedâ€" you definitely don’t need to buy a rope and move into the mountains. A few minutes of meditation each day can have a transformative impact. Pick up these tips from the Business Insider and add a 5-minutes of meditation to your day: Source: Business Insider infographic 2. Visit cultural activitiesYou can also boost your mood by participating in cultural activities. A study looked at life satisfaction of over 50,000 adults in Norway and the researchers found an interesting link between the levels of depression and culture. Those that attended plays, visited museums or joined other such cultural activities, reported lower levels of anxiety and felt more satisfied with their quality of life.So, you should start a habit of doing something cultural every week. It could be visiting a museum or attending a play at the theatre. It won’t cost a lot â€" there are plenty of free ways to enjoy culture â€" and it gives you plenty of happiness and enjoyment!3. Learn to forgiveThere’s nothing worse for mood than harboring those bad feelings inside you and staying angry with the people who’ve hurt you. Are there dumb people out there that will hurt you? Of course! But you feeling angry and wallowing in your hurt is not go ing to hurt them nor is it going to lead to you feeling happy.According to Mayo Clinic, holding a grudge will lead to resentment and revenge and harboring these emotions will ensure you don’t have time or space for something else: i.e. happiness.There are tons of studies out there suggesting that people who are able to forgive â€" even the most horrific of crimes â€" are less stressed, live longer and have better overall health. So, forgiveness doesn’t just make you happier, it can also make you healthier.If you do find yourself feeling angry, you should do the following thing recommended by a team of psychologists: write a letter to the person but don’t send it. Writing down your anger provides you clarity of emotions, helps you find solutions and reliefs stress. It can even help you forgive and feel calmer in the process.4. Find reasons to smileOK, so finding reasons to smile might not sound like the best advice ever. Surely, if you were smiling you’d be happy. But the poi nt here is to make the effort â€" to not just sit and wait someone makes you smile. However, that also shouldn’t make you fake it. A study in 2011 found that when bus drivers were forced to smile, they were in a worse mood than before the day started!The key, then, is to find those thoughts and acts that genuinely make you smile. List things that make you smile and when you feel grumpy, look at those reasons â€" you are guaranteed to smile a little and then, perhaps, more. Read a joke or call someone you love. Don’t force the smile, but make an effort to find a happy thought!HABITS THAT BOOST YOUR PHYSIQUEHowever, happiness is not just about the external things happening in your mind. If your body is working well and getting the right nourishment, your happiness will increase. Psychologists, therefore, suggest you also adopt habits for a healthier body.5. Start exercising regularlyAside from meditation, one of the most convincing habits to adopt for happiness boost is exercise. The evidence to support regular exercise in feeling better is just simply staggering. Research has found exercise to:Reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stressHelp you appreciate your body and wellbeingRelease feel-good hormones like endorphinsMake you feel more satisfied with your lifeFurthermore, the beneficial mood boost isn’t short-lived. According to a study conducted by the University of Vermont, 20-minutes of exercise will continue to positively influence your mood up to 12 hours afterwards.Although any exercising habit is worth creating, you can enjoy additional benefits if you exercise in nature.One study in the US, found walking in nature to reduce negative thoughts and make the person feel happier. So, beach walks, swims in the river or any other exercise in nature can lead to a happier life â€" but even if you can’t exercise outdoors, do create a regular routine of brisk walks or jumping jacks for a mood boost.6. Be intimate with someoneSome people say the re’s nothing better than sex and chocolate â€" together or separate, I do not know. These people have found a truth there, as research has suggested sex can lead to happiness. Indeed, there’s a study to suggest having sex once a month will make you as happy as having $50,000 extra on your bank account.Before you start adding more sex to your schedule, thinking it’ll help you feel like a lottery winner, you should know one other fact. Research might not support the above finding quite as strongly. The thing is more sex doesn’t automatically lead to happiness, having sex does.So, whether you are intimate with someone twice a week or once every three months doesn’t necessarily boost or diminish your happiness or health. Having sex with someone you love, whenever you feel like it will have the positive effect. The purpose of the act counts more than the times you do it!7. Get enough sleepYou should also find other uses for your bed than being intimate. Sleeping is linked with your levels of happiness and people who get enough rest tend to feel more satisfied with their lives.Dr Raymonde Jean, director of sleep medicine and associate director of critical care at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, has told that, “a good night’s sleep can really help a moody person decrease their anxiety”. Dr Jean added that proper sleep could provide you with “more emotional stability”.Sleep is essential because it removes toxic proteins, which have accumulated during the day, from your brain, providing you with a better sense of alertness and attention. Ensure you find time to sleep â€" you could even start napping during the day! Source: Survival Mastery blog postHABITS THAT FOCUS ON OTHERSHappiness shouldn’t be considered a purely personal experience. Indeed, you might actually feel a lot happier if you focused on the wellbeing of others more.8. Give your time to help othersYes, you are a busy person and you’re not a bad person for pursuing your dreams. A healthy dose of self-love is definitely a good thing. Yet, if you are looking to be happy, you need to create a habit of devoting your time to helping others.Why? Because it can make you feel happier. One long-term study has found volunteer work to help both the mental and physical health of people â€" no, not just the people who are the focus of the volunteering, but also the people who actually volunteer. In fact, the act of giving and doing something good causes your brain to release dopamine â€" the chemical behind the feeling of euphoria.Taking time to help others doesn’t mean you need to join an orphanage in India. Just start focusing more on ot her people and helping them. Ask colleagues every day what you can do to help, visit a friend to help or give money to a charity close to your heart. Focus on the little actions and be mindful of the power of a helping hand.9. Spend time with friendsWe humans are social animals and as much of we love to hate other people’s company at times â€" the boss really doesn’t need to come to every coffee meeting to stop us from gossiping and your mother-in-law can spend holidays elsewhere as well â€" deep-down we love and cherish other people’s company.Now, before you get excited, there seems to be one specific ‘but’ to this. Research has found your friends give you a happiness boost and not your family or your children â€" oops! So, if you want to stay happy, allocate time to spend with your friends. Remember to make them in-person connections, though! According to research, physical touch decreases anxiety and makes us happier.10. Take out the credit card â€" for othersWhile mone y might not buy happiness, it can definitely make you happier. There is in fact research that quite clearly suggests a certain income level makes people happier. For more on this, check out the YouTube video below: However, spending money can have another positive impact on your mood â€" you just need to ensure you’re using the credit card to buy something for others, not yourself. According to a study, published in Science in 2008, people who spend money on others rather than themselves feel an immediate boost in happiness. So, you should start splashing out some money on gifts and other little treats for others. Just make sure you stay on budget!HABITS THAT ORGANIZE YOUR LIFEFinally, happiness does not enjoy clutter and chaos. If everything is a mess and you don’t know what is going on, you can’t realize the good things around you and feel enjoyment. So, make sure to organize your life with the following habits and feel happier in the process.11. Tackle negative eventsHappy people aren’t just better at avoiding the bad things in life, as a cynic might say. Being happy isn’t about covering your head in the sand â€" indeed, it is about staying resilient and dealing with those negative feelings and events. You want to understand disappointment.When a negative thing happens or you feel really down, take a moment to understand what is happening. More importantly, find the silver lining. If you focus on solutions rather than the emotions, you can move on and deal with the negative emotions. You don’t bury them only to find them popping up later, but you deal and tackle them.12. Set realistic goalsHaving dreams and goals can be helpful for your happiness. People who set goals are more fulfilled because they maintain focus â€" they set their minds to achieving the things they want and need to achieve. Ticking off a goal from your list always gives you that powerful sense of accomplishment â€" you feel good and proud about yourself.Setting goals also give s you a chance to clarify your objectives. If you set life goals, such as things you want to achieve in the next five years, you need to analyze your life and your dreams. You get more clarity in the things you actually care about and want to work towards to.There is one important thing to understand about happiness and the habit of setting goals. These goals must be realistic. Notice the word carefully; realistic does not equal to pessimistic. According to psychologist Sophia Chou, you need to be a ‘realistic optimist’, meaning you are able to face reality â€" the work market is really difficult at the moment â€" with a positive outlook â€" I can take a course to improve my hire-ability.13. Do things you enjoy â€" even when you don’t want toThink about your happiest moments. What are the things you’ve been doing or things you enjoy doing most often? If you think about it, happiness isn’t rocket science â€" you just need to do the things you enjoy.The key is to get your bu tt up to do these even when you don’t feel like it. When you are down and it’s raining, it’s easy to create a dialogue in your head that says, “Just stay home and sulk in the sofa”. But if you are a movie fanatic, you might actually enjoy going to the cinema, even if it doesn’t feel good in the particular moment.Sticking to routines that make you happy, such as reading, even when you don’t really feel like it can help you feel happy. Going out with friends can turn out to be the best time of your life, even though you felt a bit tired.14. Keep regular journal of your feelingsYou should also adopt the habit of keeping a journal, especially about your feelings. A team of psychologists studied the benefits of recording one’s emotions and found that those who recorded feelings for 20-minutes a day felt calmer than those that just wrote down neutral thoughts.The act of writing, as mentioned earlier, gives you perspective on the emotions and helps you analyze your feelings . By writing down your disappointment, you might realize things aren’t actually that bad.Robin Sharma has made a great video on how to start journaling: 15. Learn new skillsHappy people also have a growth mentality and they are always willing to learn new things. According to research, people who continue to learn new skills will feel happier in the long-term than those who don’t.So, even when you are learning something you don’t enjoy in that moment â€" such as improving your math skills â€" you will experience long-term benefits. The same research also emphasized the amount of work you put in acquiring the skills. The harder you work, the happier you will feel.Don’t be afraid to pick up new hobbies â€" the art of learning and then succeeding can be beneficial to your mood. So, whether it is learning to speak a new language, starting gardening or taking up a new sport, you should never stop learning new things and expanding your mind.BONUS TIPSounds like the above won’t l ead to a happy and fulfilling life? You have one more option that experts recommend could help you find happiness: move to Denmark. The Scandinavian country took the top spot in the World Happiness Report in 2016.The report ranks countries on a variety of measurements, including trust in fellow citizens, social support available and the freedom to make choices. Denmark took the top spot and ranked high in a number of these categories, making it a country that might provide just the right kind of environment for you to lead a happy life.However, could Denmark’s high rank just be down to one other important measure? The country is among the leading countries for antidepressant consumption per capita.So, before you pack your bags to move to Denmark, perhaps it’s important to just acknowledge one thing about happiness â€" it is a state of mind. Don’t expect it to just pop in; you must learn to live with both the good and the bad.HAPPINESS â€" LITTLE HABITS THAT COUNTThe above 15 h abits are definitely worth adopting, especially because there’s evidence to support the claims. Happiness is not impossible to achieve and it doesn’t require huge changes. Small, positive habits in the things you do, think and work towards to can make you happier.However, don’t become obsessed with happiness â€" life won’t always be full of sunshine. Sometimes you are handed lemons and you just need to make that lemonade.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay Comparing Mentoring and Coaching - 1642 Words

Comparing Mentoring and Coaching There are some key differences between mentoring and coaching. Mentoring- is known as the transfer of wisdom and has a protà ©gà © or mentee that takes an interest in their career path. The protà ©gà © is guided and advised by the mentor who has worn the same shoes and traveled the same path, usually someone older and wiser. The mentor guides, persuades, and encourages a person to reach their full potential in life, in a position in an organization or in a career. Mentors who may be immediate superiors are helpful in career developments of the individual, and in some cases guidance is provided by executives or managers higher up in the organization. The higher level superiors guide, advise, and†¦show more content†¦The mentor must believe in their protà ©gà © and the protà ©gà © must be aware that the mentor believes in them. GOOD COACH 1) To understand the goal of the individual/team will determine whether the coach is good. The coach must understand and know why and what they are needed for, therefore clarification is essential in knowing the need and goal of their job. This may prove especially important when using an external coach to the organization. The task at hand must be understood by both coaches internally and externally to the organization. An example may be that a soccer coach needs to know what they must teach to the team before they teach it. 2) It is important for a coach to be dominant and push the individual or team to the limit. Being caring, nurturing, and patient is good, but at the same time a coachee will need a push to reach and achieve their set goals. Incorporating dominance into a motivational and supportive balance will create a positive culture between the participants. The dominance will also help to increase the individual/team’s determination to achieve and encourage their successes. 3) A good coach must cater for individual differences because it is obvious that no two people are identical. The coach won’t teach or instruct the individual/team’s in the same way. Some individuals will perform better under pressure by putting them down orShow MoreRelatedLearning Team Deliverable Week 3 1055 Words   |  5 Pagestraining program development and delivery. Team C summarizes the following highlights of this week’s discussions: determining organizational development theories and app lications; differentiating between mentoring and executive coaching; identifying the major components of employee training; and comparing career development strategies. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Social Media And Its Effect On Society - 1711 Words

Addiction, profit and influence usually are not the first words you would expect to come to mind when thinking about the term â€Å"social media,† yet with a little digging you will soon realize it could be the perfect description. Social media can be defined as forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content. Most often social media is understood as a positive concept because of the ways it has allowed us to attain cheap and easily accessible knowledge at the end of our fingertips. For example, take the average college student who would rather spend their last $20 at the bar you can conclude that there are superior consequences to abusing too much of a good thing; using social media has its own set of superior consequences. It is a very ironic but true fact that the number one use of social media and the problems it has caused are both driven by the same basic factors of supply and demand. Although social media only increased in popularity in the last few decades, it has been around for quite some time. The negative effects of social media on society can be revealed through understanding the origins of social media and how it has developed overtime into the ways its used today. The practice of social media in today’s society has exposed major concerns about the increased usage of pornography and acts as a major catalyst for other problems occurring within the U.S. Quick History ofShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1597 Words   |  7 PagesSociety Crumbles into Smithereens One Post at a Time You are walking out of the new Star Wars movie, posting about how superb it was, when suddenly you are swooped up and thrown in the back of a vehicle. No one would have thought posting about how you were there earlier would provoke such a situation. After all, social networking is â€Å"safe† and â€Å"friendly.† Now, social media is defined as â€Å"A form of electric communication through which users create online communities to share information,† accordingRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Society1359 Words   |  6 PagesIn a broad sense, Social media refers to elements such as websites, television, blogs, IM, and other applications that enable users to create and share various forms of content such as messages, pictures, and information, or to be able to participate in social networking. Social media depends on web-based applications, which allow a high level of virtual interaction on various levels such as social, professional, and educational level s. Social media has had various contributions to the developmentRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1592 Words   |  7 Pagesdevelopment of vast social media networks has improved our communications and interactions. These networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, are essential to how information is shared and criticized. The Social Media Handbook defines social media as â€Å"networked information services designed to support in-depth interaction, community formation, collaborative opportunities and collaborative work† (Hunsinger, 2014 p.1). Having an account or profile on these sites is more than a social norm; it is a requirementRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1359 Words   |  6 PagesPeople may say social media is good for you but is it really? Everyday, everywhere I always see people on social media calling people bad names, not being able to communicate face to face with each other. Social media, social media, social media†¦ oh what is has done to the world, so many students grades have dropped, criminals PROMOTE crimes. Ultimately, what is at stake here is social media will one day take over the world. People’s safety will be in danger, crimes will increase, people will getRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society1601 Words   |  7 Pagesrecent editorial titled â€Å"Hazards of Social Media† on your LinkedIn page on February 10th, 2016. It was very interesting to read your perspective on social media and its effect on society. Having an undergraduate major in Psychology at the University of Southern California and currently conducting research on social media usage at the Brain and Creativity Institute of USC, I have spent significant time researching the issue of social media.Though I agree that social media can be hazardous if not used effectivelyRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society998 Words   |  4 Pagesis bound to be a shift in social norms. As the times change, so does societ al views on acceptable values. One such possibility is the standard value accepted by mainstream society in which the way a female body is sexually portrayed in the media. It appears that society has not only accepted this standard, but has increasingly encouraged a more sexualized representation of the female body. Social media is an informational highway about what is accepted by the larger society and inferred by the individualsRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Society Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesSocial media has become prominent parts of life for many young people today. Most people engage with social media without stopping to think what the effects are on our lives, whether positive or negative. Are we as a society becoming more concerned with Facebook friends than we are with the people we interact with face-to-face in our daily lives? What will the longterm effects of today s social media use be? There are many positive aspects, but there are equally as many dangers that come withRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society1151 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Media The Workplaces’ Largest Enemy Being employed means that an individual will in most cases have coworkers and bosses; the environment shared between the employees is known as the workplace. In the time before technology, people being fired from their jobs was not an unheard of situation. The difference now is people are being terminated from their jobs because of something they posted on social media. If this was not the case, it would set a precedent that posting inappropriate or hurtfulRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society Essay1396 Words   |  6 PagesIn our modern world, the use of social media is overwhelming and second nature due to the availability. Several people all around the world possess some form of an electronic device that is capable of accessing social media, rather it be Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and many more. â€Å"Technology’s rampant popularization over the past decade in terms of social media has meant that texting, Facebook, and Twitter have inevitable take n over as the most efficient ways of communicating with eachRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1703 Words   |  7 PagesStrangely, being on social media for several hours daily is regarded as normal. Although social media use would be classified as a mainstream activity, that does not make common behavior the correct behavior. â€Å"Behaviors[sic] such as attempting to attract more followers about your life.† (Fishwick, 2016). Users today are more willing to participate in activities such as cyberbullying, or activities that could potentially harm others or themselves mentally or physically. Getting praise and compliments

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Synthesis Essay Joseph Vincent Paterno - 1407 Words

Synthesis Essay – Joseph Vincent Paterno MSgt Allen W. Hewitt Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy September 10, 2014 Instructor: MSgt Travis Pyle Joe Paterno Picture this, walking down a tunnel into a stadium with 106,000 fans screaming we are PENN STATE! Joe Paterno lived this every Saturday for 46 years. Joseph Vincent Paterno was born 21 December 1926 in Brooklyn, NY. He attended Brown University where he majored in law, while playing football as a quarterback and cornerback. Upon graduation he was on course to become the lawyer that he father wanted, but Penn State University came calling with a coaching offer. They saw the leadership qualities of a visionary and because of†¦show more content†¦Let me now call an audible to the visionary leadership of the man they called â€Å"Joepa†. Visionary Leader Joes vision was to build a powerhouse university program. He took over a not so great football program, but as a visionary his role was to be innovative in educating, mentoring, and guiding young adults who are searching for meaning and purpose. He started with turning the student athlete graduation rate around, using individual consideration, where leaders treat others as individuals with different needs, abilities, and aspirations in just 5 years he took the rate up 10 percent and maintained a 80 percent graduation rate throughout his tenure crushing the NCAA standard of 67 percent. Next was creating an organized group to work together, a team. He took the names off the back of the jerseys and left the helmets plain white promoting the team aspect, teambuilding not me building. Now to build a fan base, he developed and articulated visions from the future. He looked out the window and saw a stadium that barely held 30,000 people in 1968. Joe held a 75 percent winning percentage over 46 years, 37 bowl appearances, and 2 national championships. His inspirational motivation created the second largest college stadium seating 106,157 fans. He spoke at multiple clinics, banquets, and charities extending his knowledge to diverse groups. In 2000 Adam Taliaferro was paralyzed on the first play of

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Epidemiology and Research Methods Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Epidemiology and Research Methods. Answer: Introduction The researchers have given an elaborate literature review to demonstrate their study motivation. A review of literature in a research study involves a critical summary of the studies that are related to the topic of interest, often developed to conceptualize a research study (Polit, 2016). They have begun by quoting studies to show the relationship between intake of anti-psychotic drugs and weight gain as well as obesity-induced conditions as heart diseases, which is adequate. They have clearly and concisely described about various studies to demonstrate the relationship between Clozapine and its effect on weight and obesity-caused disorders among schizophrenia patients. They have concentrated more on the association of Clozapine intake with cardio-vascular risks, which could be understood that the authors wanted to concentrate more on weight gain that is associated with cardiac disorders. The literatures included were relevant, recent and appropriate with correct in-text citations. Most of the studies are current yet few studies are very old to consider. Though the older studies are highly helpful to understand the underlying concepts as well as the effect of clopiazine in that period, it could increase the chance of bias in understanding the fundamental concepts, as science advances day by day (Tappen, 2010). They have mentioned a couple of studies to show the effect of diet control programs on the clozapine-treated schizophrenic patients, which showed contradictory results. This has motivated the researchers to conduct a randomized- controlled trial to determine the effect of regular physical-activities with dietary-control programs (6-month) on obese, schizophrenic in-patients those treated with clozapine. They have measured anthropometric with bio-chemical indices (triglycerides, cholesterol, serum-glucose, insulin levels, cortisol levels, prolactin levels, growth-hormone as well as IGF-1 IGFBP-3) at 3rd and 6th months. This shows that the researchers have described their views systematically, logically as well as sequentially in an unbiased way (Greenhalgh, 2010). They have demonstrated their insight into the problem by involving more suitable and comprehensive studies. Research Formulation The researchers have identified the study problem appropriately and have given the study statements as per PICOT framework (Population, Exposure/Intervention, Comparison/ Control Outcome). A study problem is defined as a perplexing condition that requires investigation by a disciplined inquiry (THS, 2015). The research text suggests that the researchers are interested in evaluating the effect of weight control program on cloziapine- treated schizophrenic patients; at risk for weight gain of at-least 4.45 kg as well as obesity- related risks. The authors have stated a clear and appropriate research- purpose to evaluate the effect of diet control plus exercise program on the outcomes of obese schizophrenic patients taking clozapine. The purpose of a study should agree with its problem and title (Fink, 2013) which is evident in this study. They have given a clear and an achievable objective as to evaluate the effect of diet control as well as physical activity regimen that is given for six- month period on the obese schizophrenic in-patients under clozapine. Hypothesis is an expected or predicted relationship between two variables (Polit, 2016). The researchers have not clearly stated their hypothesis yet it could be understood from the objectives. Sampling and sample size According to Greenhalgh (2010), the process of selecting the target population and the samples is highly critical in a research study. The target population involves a population group in which the authors are interested in collecting data and generalizing the results (Houser,2011). Their selection of target population of 753 hospitalized schizophrenia patients admitted from 2003 September to 2004 February is appropriate. They have selected the patients who were diagnosed as schizophrenia based on DSM-IV criteria particularly between 18 to 65 years of age. Sample is a subset of the population who are selected to represent the entire population (LoBiondo-Wood, 2014). According to Moule (2013), a sampling plan involves selecting samples appropriately with sampling technique. They have selected 56 samples based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. They have randomly assigned 25 samples to control group and 28 samples to study (interventional) group (with 3 samples withdrawn from control group as they have discharged) which is adequate for a RCT trial. Yet, power analysis was not done to select an appropriate sample size. As given by Polit (2016), random sampling is a technique by which samples are selected in such a way of providing equal opportunity to all the members of target population being studied which could reduce bias and hence is highly appropriate. The researcher has given intervention of dietary control with physical activity regimen continuously for six- months to study group while no intervention to control group. Research design Research design is an overall plan that is framed to address the study hypothesis (Polit, 2016). In this study, the researcher has selected the most appropriate randomized controlled trial (RCT) design to address their research question. RCT also called as true- experimental research-design is a quantitative research that involves manipulating the experimental group with intervention (diet control plus physical activity); a control group (without intervention) as well as randomization by allocating samples to both the groups (control experimental group) in a random basis (Fink, 2013) and hence it is of higher value as compared to that of other quantitative studies. According to Yartsev (2017), this RCT design will help to draw comparison between two groups. As the researchers have adopted this design, they can appropriately compare the study group (with intervention) and control group (without intervention). Thus, the research design they have adapted is adequate and can provide the strongest evidence to practice in a psychiatric setting. Ethical issues Ethics are the system of standards that is concerned with the extent to which the study follows the professional, legal, ethical as well as societal aspects to the study participants (Polit, 2016). A researcher has to get ethical approval from an Ethical Committee before commencing (Tappen,2010). In this study, the researchers have carried- out the study in-accordance with the Helsinkis Declaration. Further, they got ethical approval from the Ethical Reviewing Committee of the Yu-Li Veterans Hospital. It is understood from the text that they have informed all the patients about the study and obtained written (informed) consent before proceeding. The ethical principles as beneficence, maleficience, autonomy, justice and respect (Houser, 2011) including right to withdrawal at any time without penalty is followed. Bias control Bias is any influence that affects the study results and undermines validity (Polit, 2016). Controlling bias plays a significant role in obtaining high evidenced data so as to be utilized undoubtedly in patient practice. The researchers should try to avoid the maximum possible bias to ensure the quality of finding (Houser, 2011). Similarly, the researchers of this study have tried to avoid bias by following few methods. The participants in this study have distorted behavior (lack of condor) which could affect the researchers from obtaining information. Hence, the researchers have intelligently measured only anthropometric, metabolic and enzyme assays to avoid bias. Researcher subjectivity that involves pre-judging the expected finding and communicating to participants, but it could not be possible as the patients had distorted behavior. In regard to sample imbalances (sample bias/ faulty samples), the researchers have meticulously avoided bias by adapting random sampling technique to give equal chance to every participants. Sometimes, faulty methods of data collection could create bias. In this study, they have collected anthropometric data by a single investigator and have followed the directions in labels of chemicals for tests done to avoid bias. But, they have mentioned about the validity of the chemicals they have used for various tests anywhere which may increase the chance of bias. There could be possible measurement bias during anthropometric measurements due to inappropriate measurement tapes and improper observation. They have used RCT trial to avoid bias by manipulation, keeping controls and randomizing. Validity of variables Confounding variables are the extraneous variables that affect the relationship between study variables and hence should be controlled (Polit, 2016). The use of biological measurements in this study requires controlling these variables to avoid bias. Blinding that involves masking the individuals those involved in the study from getting information about the samples, the intervention modalities and/or the study-investigators to reduce bias which is not done here (LoBiondo-Wood Haber, 2014). They could have blinded at-least the investigators to control confounding variables. They have not controlled confounding variables by blocking/stratifying, crossover or homogeneity but have controlled by adapting variance with covariance (ANCOVA) analysis. The scientific merit of a quantitative study is measured by assessing the reliability and validity of the study instruments. But, validity and reliability was not shown for the instruments in this study which questions the scientific merit of the study. In regard to internal validity, they have supported their findings with other studies to show that there is a causal association between exposure (diet control plus physical activity regimen) and outcome (reduced BMI, body weight, waist hip- circumference, level of triglyceride, insulin level, with IGFBP-3 levels). This proves causality (i.e. cause and effect) relationship between variables. The researchers have also proved the internal validity of findings by drawing statistical difference between control and study group and hence could be practiced in psychiatric settings. In case of external validity, the validity that inferences about the relationships observed over the variations in settings, individuals, and study-time or measu re outcomes has to be accounted (Houser, 2011). In this study, they have proved their external validity by conducting the study in the same hospital, individuals with same diagnosis and measure outcomes. Only the duration of study is lengthy by is unavoidable to get sufficient number of patients. Hence, the study is of externally valid and could be applied in similar settings. Yet, future studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of intervention/exposure in other settings. Statistical analysis According to LoBiondo-Wood (2014), statistical analysis is the process of organization as well as analysis of collected data using statistical methods such as descriptive and/or inferential analysis. Descriptive statistics that involves describing and summarizing data and inferential statistics that involves drawing inferences between variables were employed in this study which is highly appropriate (NewCombe, 2012). The researchers have performed a detailed analysis of the data collected based on their objectives by testing hypothesis. They have used tables to show the difference between control (N=25) and study group (N=28) regarding anthropometric measurements, metabolic hormonal and growth factor data at baseline, 3rd and 6th months for schizophrenia in-patients treated with clozapine which is adequate (Tappen, 2010). They have collected and analyzed only the clinical data but not the demographic data. Demographic data is highly important to understand the physical characteristics of the patient. It could be better if they could have included demographic data in calculation and could have associated it with the comparative findings. The anthropometric measurements such as weight, BMI, waist- hip-circumference with waist- to -hip ratio, as well as fat percentage related to weight of both the study and control groups doesnt differ significantly and hence the demographic characteristics of both the groups are similar, thus reducing participant bias. Moreover, the mean fat% among men in study group was 30.94.8 and in control group was 30.05.1 whereas among women of study group, it was 43.610.7 and in controls of 41.45.7, which shows that the fat% is similar in both groups, thus minimizing participant bias. But, if the overweight classification of WHO is considered (0.85 for women and 1.0 for men), on ly the female participants in this study could be considered to have central obesity which may alter the comparison of data between both groups. The comparative analysis of anthropometric, blood samples, metabolic and enzyme analysis at baseline, 3rd and 6th months between groups is highly adequate; though difficult particularly using variance with covariance analysis (ANCOVA) along with SPSS (statistical- softwares 10.0 version); based on general linear-type model. They have not given any statement about the acceptance or rejection of research/null hypothesis except mentioning about statistical significance. They could have included hypothesis statement in introduction as well as analysis, which is crucial for a quantitative study. Overall, their selection of appropriate samples by considering their anthropometrics and their method of calculation and comparisons at varied levels (baseline, 3rd 6th-month) and method of discussion is adequate except few issues. Findings, study-discussions, conclusions with recommendations Discussion of results and recommendations are an integral part of a research study (Moule, 2013). They have discussed each and every finding to show the usefulness of their intervention/exposure based on their objectives. They have showed a signification reduction in anthropometric measures and metabolic parameters except growth factor as a benefit of their intervention in study group. They could have included cardiovascular components in their study as they are much concerned about cardiac risks. They have discussed their strengths and weaknesses but they have not mentioned anywhere about validity and reliability of study measurements particularly blood and metabolic parameters. The conclusion of a study should clearly summarize and derive the study-findings as well as establish the importance of the findings (Pilot, 2016). They have followed all the principles of conclusion by stating about their findings with its importance. Their mention about the applicability of their intervention/exposure in reducing the metabolic and anthropometric parameters, normalizing some metabolic abnormalities, reducing hormonal disorders and attenuation of few neuroleptic adverse effects that includes sedation with reduced day-to-day activities is adequate. They recommend walking to all clozapine-treated schizophrenic patients to avoid obesity and in-turn cardiac complications; which are inexpensive. It could also be done alone or with no/less instructions from others. Pilot study which is small- trail run could have been conducted to rule out any alterations or additions to be done with entire research process. They have not given any recommendations for conducting similar studies in other psychiatric settings or with alterations in interventions/exposure. Overall, though there are certain demerits in this study, the study-results will definitely serve as a guide to the health professionals caring schizophrenic patients. It could be difficult for them to motivate schizophrenic patients to follow instructions, yet it could help them significantly to reduce weight and weight-related complications. Hence, continuous exposure/intervention of diet control along with physical activity regimen for six- months to clozapine-treated obese schizophrenic inpatients reduces the body-weight, BMI, waist- hip- circumference, triglyceride level, insulin, as well as IGFBP-3 levels. References Boswell, C. (n. d.). Chapter-14: The research critique process and the evidence based appraisal process. Retrieved from Fink, A. (2013). Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. Retrieved from Greenhalgh, T. (2010).How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine. (4th ed.). Wiley-Blackwell/BMJ Books: Oxford. Houser, J. (2011). Nursing Research. Retrieved from LoBiondo-Wood, G Haber, J. (2014). Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based. Retrieved from Moule, P Goodman, M.(2013).Nursing Research: An Introduction. Retrieved from Newcombe, R.G. (2012). Confidence Intervals for Proportions and Related Measures of Effect Size. Retrieved from Polit, D.F Beck, C.T. (2016). Nursing Research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Lippincott Williams Wilkins: New Delhi. Tappen, R.M. (2010). Advanced Nursing Research. Retrieved from THS. (2015). Epidemiology- Glossary of Epidemiological and Statistical Terminology: Tropical Health Solutions. Retrieved from Yartsev, A. (2017).Advantages and disadvantages of RCT. Retrieved from -methods -and-statistics/Chapter%202.0.2/advantages-and-disadvantages-randomised-control-study-design

Saturday, April 4, 2020

12 Book Marketing Mistakes Every Author Needs to Ban in 2019

12 Book Marketing Mistakes Every Author Needs to Ban in 2019 12 Book Marketing Mistakes to Ban in 2019 Since the birth of Reedsy, we've had the chance to work with thousands of authors, helping them get their books out there in the most professional possible form - and to sell them.For many authors, selling a book is even harder than writing it. But whether you're self- or traditionally published, learning to market and sell your work is a key factor in author success. In this post, our co-founder Ricardo Fayet shares the 12 most common marketing mistakes he's observed in the past few years.  To make sure you aren't tripped up by these common traps, read on... Which of the 12 most common book marketing mistakes did you make in 2019? #pubtips 1. You’re marketing to everyoneMost of the time, when I ask authors who their book is for, they’ll tell me about their genre: â€Å"It’s for teenagers who are into Fantasy,† for example. Or sometimes, I’ll get an age group: â€Å"It’s for middle-aged women.† It’s not uncommon to hear â€Å"everyone† either.There are two big problems with this. First, you’re setting unrealistic expectations. Unless you come up with the next Harry Potter, not every teenager will read your book. It’s much more likely that only an infinitesimally small portion of them will. Learn more about how Reedsy can help you craft a beautiful book.Which of these traps have you encountered while self-publishing? Or do you disagree, and think that they're not mistakes at all? Let us know what you think and share your experiences marketing your book in the comments below.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Critical Thinking Application Essays

Critical Thinking Application Essays Critical Thinking Application Essays Critical Thinking Critical thinking is a very important tool to use in any situation that occurs in life, whether it is while you are at home, work, or out with friends and family. By using critical thinking one can have a better understanding of what outcomes certain decisions will have and how to make the best decision. This can definitely benefit everyone in their lives especially when it comes to work decisions. If the goal at work is to advance and work up the corporate ladder then critical thinking is a must. Personal Experience There are several different personal experiences I have had of using critical thinking in the work place and how it still today helps me progress. The one that sticks out in my mind the most is a problem that I was able to solve at my current job. I am now working at MINI of Murray as a Service Advisor and at the moment we have had tremendous growth which has made it so that we are under staffed for all of the work that we need to get done. Do to this the communication with our customers has suffered a bit since many of the service advisors do not feel like they have the time to call all of their customers and let them know what is going on in the shop. This in turn puts out bad surveys on the service advisor which affects their pay. Now when this problem came up for me the first thing I realized was that since I have so much work the most important thing I can do is manage my time properly so that I can fit everything into the day. To do so I wrote down everything that I would need to get done each day and took into account any problems that may arise such as cars not being finished on time. I then came up with the idea of setting up certain times each day that I would touch base with my customers and let them know the status on their cars. Then I started writing down any information that I knew I would have to use several times throughout the day. By doing this I did not have to waste time looking up the information every time I needed it. I then set up a plan on how I would react if a car was not finished on time and how to best approach the customer about it. By fully laying out a plan that I could follow day to day I now save a lot of time not having to decide what should be done next whenever I finish a task. Due to this I am able to get everything that I need done every day finished and can even help other advisors. I am now getting great surveys because I understood that even if when I call the custom at 11 a.m. and tell them that their car has gone into the shop yet they still appreciate the heads up so they know what is going on with their car. This is just a small example of how

Friday, February 21, 2020

Will Paper Based Books Survive or will the E-media completely Replace Essay

Will Paper Based Books Survive or will the E-media completely Replace Paper Media - Essay Example In addition, the passion of e-books can be mainly observed among the young generations of the countries as compared to others. It is predominantly due to the introduction of varied electronic gadgets such as iPad, tablet and kindle. Moreover, it also spotlights, varied benefits which it offers to its publishers, booksellers, authors and customers. In addition, the report also depicts that emergence of e-books and e-readers would replace the paper books in the future markets. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Critical Analysis of e-Books and e-Readers 5 Market Analysis of e-Books and e-Readers 5 Customer Needs and Wants from e-books and e-readers 6 Value Chain Analysis From Author To Reader 7 Conclusion and Recommendations 9 Strategic Analysis of the Future Direction of This Market 9 References 10 Bibliography 13 Introduction In this era of globalisation and industrialisation, the passion of e-books and e-readers has increased at a rapid pace. Th is is due to the emergence of information technology (IT) in the universities and colleges all over the world. Moreover, due to the increased passion of internet mainly among the young generation of varied countries, the craze for e-books and e-readers has improved by a large extent. The term ‘e-book’ can be referred to electronic book or digital book which can be viewed with the help of electronic media. It mainly comprises texts, images and information similar to paper books. Besides, the digital or e-books are rather more efficient and effective in utilisation. Furthermore, with the help of digital books, varied old but valuable books or journals can be utilised for the purpose of reading in order to enhance the learning and knowledge of individuals (Miller, 2009). On the other hand, paper printed books may not be available always for the customers or students, which might create an intricate situation. Thus, due to the emergence of e-media, the numbers of e-books ar e increasing thereby enhancing the amount of the e-readers (Deangelo, 2011). Apart from these, the passion of e-books is mainly observed in case of a particular section of individuals i.e. youth among others, which is quite noteworthy. Moreover, this strategy or concept also augmented the satisfaction and contentment of the readers as it can be accessed at any point of time. Still, paper books are recognised as one of the most efficient assets of both modern as well as previous times. The report mainly highlights the impact of e-media over the paper-books. Furthermore, it also attempts to identify the benefits and the advantages of utilisation of e-books rather than paper-books in this age of globalisation. In addition, it also spotlights varied aspects related to the increased passion for e-books among a specific section of individuals i.e. youth. The report is divided into three sections namely introduction, critical analysis of e-books and e-readers along with conclusion and reco mmendations. Critical Analysis of e-Books and e-Readers Market Analysis of e-Books and e-Readers A market segment is referred to the classification of a particular group of customers consisting of certain definite characteristics along with uniform demands and requirements. It also attempts to recognise certain specific qualities such as quality, price and design among others. The passion of e-books has highly increased among the young generation of varied countries namely Southern Africa and the United Kingdom (Advertising Forecast, 2011). This is due to the fact the craze of internet is increasing mainly among the young generations of the countries within the age group (10 to 35 years), which is quite beneficial and detrimental as well. The passion is

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

US Ports and Cybersecurity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

US Ports and Cybersecurity - Research Paper Example Kevin Kelly1 (2011) asks this intriguing question, â€Å"What does technology want?† If certain aspects of the technium are preordained and certain aspects are contingent upon our choices, how do we know which are which? Systems theorist John Smart has suggested that we need a technological version of the Serenity Prayer.† The serenity prayer, written and popularized in the early 1930s by theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, asks God to help in changing the things which are difficult to change or â€Å"courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.†2 According to Kelly, â€Å"Technology was invented from the time we were born†. But technology is under threat every second of the day. Individual files and organizational documents and secrets are under threat of losing with the click of a finger, if we are not careful. This essay is about the many problems of technology, specifically information technology (IT) infrastructures of US ports, and how it can survive amidst threats of viruses, worms, spams, malicious software and cyber criminality. Organizations must have installed technology and IT infrastructures in their systems, otherwise, they will lag behind in the stiff competition. Organizational information systems should also have anti-viruses and other necessary protection before they see themselves vulnerable to a new kind of attack, the virus attack. Ports are one of the busiest areas for businesses around the world. With an installed IT, tasks and activities are made easier. IT enables organizations to conduct multiple operations simultaneously, but the infrastructure must be secured because without s ecurity, viruses and the various risks will make the infrastructure a mess. Ports operate a network of businesses and firms, movement and distribution, processing and many activities, which must be applied and inputted to an effective software and IT. Function IT, as it is called in the literature, refers to information systems that help improve users’ functions and productivity in performing individual tasks. This important feature includes applications like computer-aided design (CAD) software, spreadsheet, word processors, and other e-learning tools and systems. In a port where ships dock and load and unload cargoes, where countless activities happen every minute and every second of the day, computers and softwares are a normal phenomenon. In a workplace where engineers constantly introduce product innovations and people depend on coordinated programs of activities, ports should have effective computer infrastructures. But there are people with criminal minds who, second b y second, devise plans to penetrate on other people’s computers, other people’s wealth, that they send viruses, worms, spam emails and malwares to the internet and destroy ports’ valued files. The role of the manager is significant to the attainment of the organization’s goals and objectives. Managers should have good and effective rapport with employees, but they have to understand what IT is and its role in the ever changing world of business. One of the important responsibilities of the manager is to manage the company’s information system. New business opportunities involving IT and the different functions of business are coming at a fast pace.3 Security awareness Studies have found that about 90% of organizations face information security investigation almost annually.4 Organizations have made moves to improve their information management systems and

Monday, January 27, 2020

Giorgio Vasari on Lorenzo Ghiberti

Giorgio Vasari on Lorenzo Ghiberti This text contains a mixture of bibliographical and historical information regarding Ghiberti’s life and the circumstances in which he received the commission for the doors for the Baptistery of San Giovanni, next to the Duomo in Florence. It contains factual information regarding the background and training of the artist; the participants and judges of the competition to win the contract; descriptive information about the location of the door, its manufacture and some of the practical difficulties experienced by Ghiberti whilst working on it. The text therefore gives information that is helpful to the historian in understanding some of the facts surrounding the production of art in fifteenth century Florence and the circumstances of production of one particular artistic creation. However, to regard this as a purely objective historical account would be a mistake. Rubin (1995, 2) comments that ‘the components of Vasari’s history had generic precedents and parallel s in biography, technical treatises, and didactic literature, both classical and contemporary’. Vasari was able to fuse the elements of these different genres in order to situate Ghiberti (and the other artists in The Lives) within a developing tradition of artistic enterprise and to create a history of art that included aesthetic judgement. Vasari’s teleological view of the development of art goes beyond mere biographical and historical description and this aspect of his work is particularly important because it gives the modern reader information about how artists of the later Renaissance period viewed artistic products from an earlier time and also how a theoretical stance towards the nature of art was being developed. Having grown up as the son of an artisan, Vasari had received part of his education in his home town of Arezzo and then spent a part of his adolescence with the Medici family, who were at that time the most prominent family in Florence. It was among their children that he furthered his education and was undoubtedly exposed to the humanist curriculum that would have been a part of their education at that time. Although Vasari would not have had a university education, he was nonetheless familiar with the basics of humanist thought. Vasari’s own life, therefore, exemplified the way in which art had become a vital part of aristocratic life and education and how it gave practitioners of the arts an entry into the highest parts of society. Whilst earlier generations of painters and sculptors had been regarded merely as craftsmen and had worked relatively anonymously, by Vasari’s time individual artists were able to capitalise on their reputations to gain high financial remun eration as well as fame. The text reveals that Ghiberti’s father had these two goals in mind when he urged Ghiberti to come back to Florence to enter the competition, which would be ‘an occasion to make himself known and demonstrate his genius’ and also that, if his son gained recognition as a sculptor, ‘neither †¦ would ever again need to labour at making ear-rings’. The ambitious artist was, therefore, able to advance his career and wealth through winning great commissions. Welch (1997, 125) observes that ‘by the mid-fourteenth century a number of Italian artists, particularly in Tuscany, seem to have been aware of the need to promote themselves and their memory, either by writing themselves or by encouraging others to write about them‘. It is within this tradition that Vasari wrote his The Lives. In classical times, writers such as Plutarch and Pliny had written biographical works about famous men’s lives and the Renaissance preoccupation with the revival of antiquity provided a stimulus for this genre of biography that is focussed on the rhetorical practice of praising worthy and famous men, including artists (Pliny’s Natural History provided the model for writing about artists of Graeco-Roman antiquity (Welch, 1997, 125)). Ghiberti himself had written Commentaries, a work that included a section on antiquity, another on his own autobiography, and a third on the theory of optical illusion. This is the work to which Vasari ref ers in the text. Vasari alludes to Ghiberti’s use of Pliny as a model and he thus demonstrates that they are all, in their different ways, participating in an ancient tradition of writing about art and that they are all seeking a form of immortality through writing as well as through making art. Yet Vasari is somewhat disparaging in his comments on Ghiberti as a writer and his criticism may derive from the context in which he was practicing his own art. The courtly values of ease, modesty and gracefulness as exemplified in Castiglione’s Book of the Courtier had come to dominate the world of the Renaissance courts in which Vasari worked and may have been the cause of his disdain for the Ghiberti’s ‘vulgar tone’ and his condemnation of Ghiberti’s brief treatment of the ancient painters in favour of a lengthy and detailed ‘discourse about himself’. Cole (1995, 176) argues that Vasari was influenced by Castiglione in that he ‘urged the artist to disguise his labour and study and stress his facilita (ease) and prestezza (quickness of execution)’. It may have been that Vasari perceived that Ghiberti had not lived up to this artistic ideal in his writing. Another earlier writer on art, Leon Battista Alberti, had ’al ways stressed the joining of diligenza (diligence) with prestezza’ (Cole, 1995, 176). The influence of such aesthetic values are revealed in many of the judgements that Vasari makes; in the text, his comments on the relative merits of the submissions for the competition include technical terms that are still used today, such as ‘composition’ and ‘design’, but he also uses terms such as ‘grace’ and ’diligence’ which have a rather more specific relationship to their Renaissance context. The text does not only reveal the courtly values that were a part of Vasari’s aesthetic. Florence had a long tradition of civic and republican values and Vasari’s account shows the ways in which the guilds and the Commune, together with ordinary citizens, all had a part to play in Ghiberti’s enterprise. Whilst the guild of Merchants had set up the competition, the location of the door in the Baptistery nonetheless has a civic and religious function that would have made it a very public work of art. Ghiberti’s practice of appealing to popular taste is revealed in Vasari’s’ description of him ‘ever inviting the citizens, and sometimes any passing stranger who had some knowledge of the art, to see his work, in order to hear what they thought, and those opinions enabled him to execute a model very well wrought and without one defect’. Peter Burke (2000, 76) comments on the value of Vasari as a source for the evidence of a popular res ponse to art in Florence and the ways in which ‘ordinary people, craftsmen and shopkeepers, were not only familiar with the names of the leading artists of their city, past and present, but they were not afraid to offer opinions often critical opinions about the value of particular works.’ Vasari’s work thus shows evidence of civic as well as courtly values and demonstrates the phenomenon of the artist who had particularly frequent opportunities for mobility, both geographically and socially, in the Renaissance period. Vasari’s book was divided into three parts that corresponded to three ‘ages’ of Renaissance art, roughly equivalent to the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. This corresponded to Vasari’s view of the art history of the Renaissance as a progression towards increasing perfection. In the text, this teleological view is revealed in Vasari’s description of Ghiberti’s relationship with his father. Vasari attributes the initial prompting to compete to Ghiberti’s father, who wrote to Ghiberti ‘urging him to return to Florence in order to give a proof of his powers’, Ghiberti is also described as having ‘from his earliest years learnt the art of the goldsmith from his father’, yet ‘he became much better therein than his father’. Vasari thus uses his description of Ghiberti’s career to make the point that each generation has a debt to the past and can gain skill and knowledge from the pas t, and yet each generation exceeds the previous one and participates in the forward progression of artistic development. The Renaissance was a period in which the use of the past was a particular feature and the revival of antiquity was not restricted to the increased knowledge of ancient texts. In describing Ghiberti’s career, Vasari also reveals the vogue for casting medals in the ancient style and for portraiture that was based on the coins and medals of the Roman era, when he comments that ‘he also delighted in counterfeiting the dies of ancient medals, and he portrayed many of his friends from the life in his time’. The more recent past was also an important source for the Renaissance artist, as described by Vasari. In the text, Vasari makes it clear that Ghiberti owes a debt to both Giotto and Pisano: ‘the arrangement of the scenes was similar to that which Andrea Pisano had formerly made in the first door, which Giotto designed for him.’ Again, though, Ghiberti is held to have exceeded their artistry and progressed beyond the ’old manner of Giotto’s time’ to ’the manner of the moderns’. Vasari thus reveals that there was, during the Renaissance period, a self-consciousness about artistic production and the theory of art. There was a definite perception of ’modernity’ with respect to what was then current and a tendency to reject the type of style that was though to be in the ‘old manner’. Much that is found in Vasari is still useful to our study of Renaissance art. He provides many useful factual details, such as the names and cities of the competitors for the Baptistery door commission, and the information that many foreigners were present and participating in the artistic life of Florence. He also provides evidence of the factors that affected aesthetic judgement during the period. He provides a great deal of evidence of contemporary practices and attitudes and his allusions to specific writers and works from antiquity provide us with evidence of how the study of the classical period influenced the thought and practices of Renaissance artists. His work enables us to see how the artists of the later Renaissance period were assimilating and judging the work of their immediate predecessors from the period of Cimabue and Giotto onwards. In this text, we also have an example of the way in which Vasari gives us evidence of how artists trained, when he states that Ghiberti worked on small reliefs ‘knowing very well that [they] are the drawing-exercises of sculptors’. His description of the competition also gives us evidence of the competitive spirit in which art was created, when he states that ‘with all zeal and diligence they exerted all their strength and knowledge in order to surpass one another’. Vasari also shows the ways in which different individuals felt empowered to judge art either through formal means by being appointed by the guild as judges or through the informal means of ordinary citizens giving their opinions directly to Ghiberti. In all of these ways, Vasari gives us not only information not only about artists and the circumstances of the production of art, but also, crucially, about its audience who they were and what they thought about it. Vasari’s emphasis on Florence (and Tuscany) as the major site of the genius of the Renaissance also still influences the modern study of art history, as does the ways in which he has framed artistic development as a progression from cruder and more naà ¯ve forms to the greater subtlety and ‘perfection’ of the later Renaissance. In some ways, it may be that this has been a negative influence: perhaps other parts of Italy and further afield in Europe have suffered a neglect and lack of interest as a result of this (arguably) over-emphasis on Florence. It may also be that the sense of progression has given a higher value to later works of art than those of earlier periods and that this has also caused too much emphasis on what is not known as the High Renaissance period and a neglect of other periods. Nonetheless, it cannot be in doubt that Vasari has made an important contribution to art history on his work The Lives and it is this contribution that has led him to be termed, by some, the first art historian. BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Sources Castiglione, Baldasar, The Book of the Courtier, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976. Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Artists, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. Secondary Sources Boase, T.S.R., Georgio Vasari: the Man and the Book, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979. Burke, Peter, ‘Learned Culture and Popular Culture in renaissance Italy’, in Whitlock, Keith, ed., The Renaissance in Europe: A Reader, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2000. Cole, Alison, Virtue and Magnificence: Art of the Italian Renaissance Courts, New York: Harry N Abrams, 1995. Rubin, Patricia Lee, Giorgio Vasari: Art and History, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1995. Rud, Einar, Vasari’s Life and Lives: the First Art Historian, London: Thames and Hudson, 1963. Welch, Evelyn, Art in Renaissance Italy: 1350-1500, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Léopold Sédar Senghor :: essays research papers

Là ©opold Sà ©dar Senghor Senegalese poet and statesman, founder of the Senegalese Democratic Bloc. Senghor was elected president of Senegal in the 1960s. He retired from office in 1980. He was one of the originators of the concept of Nà ©gritude, defined as the literary and artistic expression of the black African experience. In historical context the term has been seen as a reaction against French colonialism and a defence of African culture. It has deeply influnced the strengthening of African identity in the French-speaking black world. "L'à ¨motion est nà ¨gre, la raision est hà ©llà ¨ne." (emotion is Negro, reason is Greek) "Negritude is the totality of the cultural values of the Black world." Là ©opold Sà ©dar Senghor was born in Joal-la-Portugaise, a small fishing vilage about seventy miles south of Dakar. His father was of noble descent and wealthy merchant. His mother was a Peul, one of a pastoral and nomadic people. Later Senghor wrote: "I grew up in the heartland of Africa, at the crossroads / Of castes and races and roads" The first seven years of his life Senghor spent in Djilor with his mother and maternal uncles and aunts. At the age of twelve, he attended the Catholic mission school of Ngazobil. He continued his studied at the Libermann Seminary and Lycà ©e Van Vollenhoven, finishing secondary-school education in 1928. After winning a state scholarship, Senghor then moved to Paris and graduated from the Lycà ©e Louis-le-grand in 1931. During these years he read African-American poets of the Harlem Renaissance and such French poets as Rimbaud, Mallarmà ©, Baudelaire, Verlaine and Valà ©ry. Among Senghor's s friends were Aimà © Cesaire, with whom he would develope the idea of Negritude, and Georges Pompidou, who later elected President of France. In 1932 Senghor was granted French citizenship. He served in a regiment of colonial infantry and in 1935 he obtained the agrà ©gation degree in grammar. From 1935 he worked as a teacher, notably at Lycà ©e Descartes in Tours, then in Paris at Lycà ©e Marcelin Berthelot. At the outbreak of World War II, he joined the French army, but was captured by the Germans and spent eighteen months in a camp as a prisoner of war. During this period he learned German and wrote poems, which were published in HOSTIES NOIRES (1948). In 1944 he was appointed professor of African languages at the École Nationale de la France d'Outre-Mer. Senghor's first collection of poems, CHANTS D'OMBRE (1945), was inspired by the philosopher Henri Bergson, and dealt with the themes of exile and nostalgia.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

In Intermediate Accounting

The well-known apparel brand Gap is owned by The Gap Inc., originally incorporated in California on July of 1969, and reincorporated in Delaware on May 1988.   Its stocks are traded in the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker name GPS.Other than the brand Gap, it operates other famous brands as well such as Old Navy, Banana Republic, Piperlime, and the now-discontinued Forthe & Town.   These brands cater to different markets, offering different lines of products and prices.The Gap products are moderately priced, classically designed clothing line for casual use by men, women, and children of different ages.   These include basic clothing as jeans, slacks, and T-shirts, as well as maternity apparels.   It has its own line for children called GapKids and for babies aptly called BabyGap.Old Navy products likewise cater to different ages of men, women, and children but are relatively cheaper and innovative in styles and designs while Banana Republic products are the highest p riced since it carries lines for the sophisticated market such as fashion and tailored apparels.The Gap Inc.’s latest fiscal year ends on February 03, 2007 which practically covers the business transactions of 2006.   the accounting period started on January 28, 2006, and may be considered irregular if viewed on the number of business days notwithstanding leap years.Further observation however reveals that The Gap Inc. uses a 52-week accounting period as the reckoning period and not the number of business days.One reason is that sales trend is analyzed using weekly figures.   The 52-week reckoning period is also in line with the employee wage payouts, mostly composed of sales attendants stationed in different stores and branches, and are usually paid on a weekly basis.IBMIBM, short for International Business Machines Corporation was originally incorporated in New York on 1911 using the name Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. It changed to its present name on 1924 and from then on became a symbol of quality business machine products.It has now evolved to a â€Å"globally integrated innovation company† offering a wide range of products and services to its customers and clients alike.   Its business is now composed of three broad segments: Systems and Financing, Software, and Services.   Systems and Financing includes hardware products such as servers, data storage systems, microelectronics, printing systems, and retail store solutions.   An allied service, Financing covers commercial, client, and remarketing financing.Under the Software segment, IBM operates technical brands such as Information Management Software, Lotus, Tivoli, WebSphere and Product Lifecycle Management, performing specialized functions to help meet the software needs of clients.   Lastly, Services is perhaps the fastest growing segment of the company.Through this arm, IBM is engaged in business process outsourcing, consulting in different aspects of business, informa tion technology set up, management, and maintenance.   Its personal computer segment, practically the single segment that brought IBM to world renowned brand name, was sold to Lenovo of China sometime in 2005.IBM follows the traditional accounting period, always starting on January 1 and ends on December 31, regardless of the number of weeks or business days on a given year.This is so because the company does not experience seasonal sales as with the Gap Inc. or any other retail firm where fashion and trends play a big part.   Due to the very nature of IBM’s products and services, the demand for such is largely dictated by development in technology and business practices, and can be said, at the least, unpredictable.This is magnified by the rapidity of technological advances in computers.   Thus, to best capture the trends of its business, the annual basis of reporting is used.

Friday, January 3, 2020

ap case study - 1470 Words

There are many various conditions and diseases affecting the endocrine system. Here we will discuss several and describe the endocrine gland, hormone, target tissue, symptoms, causes, and treatment options. The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test is done to check for the hormone hCG in blood or urine (Staff, 2012). The hCG hormone is made during pregnancy by the placenta or can be abnormally made by certain tumors. The hCG test can be performed to test if a woman is pregnant or not, as part of a screening test for birth defects, in a woman who may have abnormal tissue growth in her uterus, a molar pregnancy, or a cancer in the uterus rather than a normal pregnancy. HCG levels can even be measured in a man to see whether he has†¦show more content†¦Later it was discovered that anabolic steroids could facilitate the growth of skeletal muscle which led to abuse by bodybuilders, weightlifters, and athletes in other sports. Abuse of anabolic steroids can cause acne, breast de velopment in men, heart attacks, and liver cancer. Most side effects are reversible if the abuser stops taking the drugs, but some are permanent, such as voice deepening in females. Possible health consequences for men are infertility, shrinking of the testicles, and male-pattern baldness while with women enlargement of the clitoris, and excessive growth of body hair can happen. It can affect the musculoskeletal cardiovascular system, liver, skin, cause infection, and have psychiatric effects such as rage, aggression, mania, and delusions. Treatment of anabolic steroid abuse uses medications to restore the hormonal system after its disruption, and medication to target specific withdrawal symptoms. To reduce the risk of ovarian or breast cancer some choose to have a procedure done known as an oophorectomy. This is a removal of your ovaries on each side of your uterus that contain eggs and secrete the hormones that control your reproductive cycle. This greatly reduces the amount of h ormones estrogen and progesterone circulating in your body which is the hormones breast and ovarian cancers need to grow. Though a generally safe procedure with small risk complicationsShow MoreRelatedPG: Case Study592 Words   |  2 PagesPG: Case study Key performance gaps In 2005, the renowned pharmaceutical giant PG was restructured into three interdependent global organizations, one organized by product category, one by geography, and one by business processes. During its earlier history, the company had been quite successful in generating synergy between knowledge and best practices. 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